The Most Disliked Person of the Year 2020?

The United States of America, in early November, saw its states echoing with the cheers of people rooting for the President-elect Joe Biden, and his team. While celebrations erupted across the United States, Indians, from seven seas apart, were noted taking pride, and lauding the first-ever female Vice President-elect, Kamala Harris, who also happens to be the first Black, Indian-origin woman, chosen for this position. Drowned in euphoria, residents were seen belting out slogans like, ‘America Will Be Great Again’, an attempt at a satirical play on Donald Trump’s, the vanquished rival, and the current president, old presidential campaign slogan.

Trump is infamous for making news for his ‘spoilt child’-like antics. Whether it’s him denying election results in his Tweets, or hinting at the possibility of him, refusing to leave the White House on the inauguration day, he’s done it all!

His statements can make for an interesting game of ‘Happened or Not’!

Let’s have a look at some of his illogical statements, false narratives, faulty administration, and controversies, that have contributed in making him one of the potential candidates for the most disliked people of this year.

Delayed Damage Control

The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a blow to the entire world’s economy and healthcare. However, America has miserably failed in dodging the bullet, and that has made it the worst hit country, with deaths exceeding over 200,000.

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A series of discrepancies at Trump and his administration’s end led America to yield to the pandemic.

The authorities failed to come to the rescue of affected people in time, and their reaction to the entire pandemic, was as slow as their economy is now!

Trump kept denying the severity of outbreak, disapproved of World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines, made conflicting claims of better healthcare, retreating death rate, and an approaching vaccine. It was not until the United States broke records, that the authorities came to their senses.

Owing to their delayed response, and failure to retain jobs, the ‘superpower’ is now facing an economic slowdown, and the most deaths a country has reported.

Trump’s egocentric motives are evident by the fact, that not only he failed in handling the pandemic, he also let it surge, by encouraging his followers to shout slogans for his re-election, without any provision of social distancing.

George Floyd Tragedy

Although this tragedy enraged the entire United States, and triggered vexed activists and onlookers alike, to come on to the streets to urge for justice, it couldn’t get a sympathetic reaction out of Trump.

George Floyed, an African American, passed away in Minneapolis, after being pinned down by white policemen, a sheer case of police brutality. It prompted debates on white supremacy and black suppression, one of the age-old predicaments in the USA.

While it was followed by unsolicited violence, peaceful protests were also sabotaged using violent means.

Trump’s tweet, in which he referred to him as ‘the President of law and order’, made his authority transparent, however, his lack of empathy and respect for the dead man, infuriated the masses.

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Trump on Climate Change

The USA, the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has been ranked the worst performer in the world, with regard to the climate change mitigation indicator, according to the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2020. However, the President can’t make up his mind on this subject! Having called all of it a ‘hoax’, while also stating that this is a subject, quite important to him, his statements smell of sheer hypocrisy.

Accused of ejection of environmentalists and scientists for interacting with public on this matter, announcement of withdrawal from the Parris Climate Accord, Trump’s decisions have been detrimental to the interest of battling climate change.

The ‘Filthy Air’ Remark

In February 2020, India warmly welcomed The US President Donald Trump and his family, in honor of their inaugural visit, named ‘Namaste Trump’. The event came to pass at Sardar Patel Stadium in Gujarat, the largest cricket stadium in the world. Including provisions like building a 1640 feet wall to obstruct the family’s view of slums, India and its people greeted them with smiling faces and beautiful diversity.

However, to their disappointment, he made a snide remark about India’s air quality, calling it ‘filthy’, in the second presidential debate.

This remark angered Indians, and some of them pointed out his hypocrisy, as he used Indian Prime Minister Modi’s campaign slogan to his convenience, in his campaign, during his first elections.

America’s Relations with Iran, China and Russia


In January 2020, Trump consented to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian Major General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He claimed the killing was in the interest of America and the world, to ‘deter his future attacks against the US’.

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A war could’ve potentially stemmed from the killing, as it led Iran to fire about a dozen missiles, at American bases in Iraq.


Trump has explicitly voiced his opinions on China, and disapproved of its policies.
He has talked about imposing tariffs on their products, banning TikTok, and has blamed them for the pandemic.

His policies and opinions have further amplified the ‘trade war’.


Trump has been accused of manipulating election data using Russian hackers, during his first elections. Although, both stakeholders have denied these claims.

Trump’s self-serving attitude, false promises, delayed responses, detrimental decisions, and a lot of controversies to his credit, has made him fall amongst the most controversial personalities in the world, and are also the reasons for his defeat.

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